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Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana pide que no entren a Estados Unidos los represores castristas MIAMI, 16 de junio de 2014. Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana. La Asamblea de la Resistencia Cubana en vista al aumento de la represión en Cuba contra los activistas de la resistencia, hace un llamado al Departamento de Estado, para que no le conceda entrada a los Estados Unidos a agentes de la dictadura castrista que vienen de visita en busca de incentivos económicos y regresan a la Isla para continuar reprimiendo a los opositores, mientras se les niega dicha visa a otros cubanos luchadores por la libertad y la democracia. A continuación la carta al Departmento de Estado en atención a la Sra Roberta Jacobson, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs: June 16th 2014 Ms.Roberta Jacobson, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Dear Assistant Secretary Jacobson: The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance embraces a myriad of Cuban exiles organizations and resistance groups in the island seeking efforts in helping to bring about democratic change in We are writing to you on behalf of a group of former Cuban political prisoners who have been denied visas to enter the American immigration officials in The Department of State reports also depict the systematic violations in It is an undeniable truth that most documents issued by Cuban courts are biased, distorted, and written with the preconceived intention to damage the name and public image of any individual who dared to confront the government. You will usually read on those court documents disqualifications like “mercenaries” and “terrorists” just to taint reputations. However, it has been repeatedly brought to our attention by the Resistance in You are aware of all these facts because, some years ago, you occupied the position of Coordinator for Cuban Affairs. Therefore, we ask you not to consent the injustice of denying those patriots their opportunity to restart their lives in the United States, after serving many years in the horrible Cuban prisons, while some of Castro’s violent collaborators are permitted to visit this great nation and then return to Cuba to continue committing awful abuses and violations of human rights. We also will be glad to meet with you in the event you may like to further discuss this situation at your earliest convenience. Respectfully yours, The Assembly of the Cuban Resistance Bertha Antunez, Movimiento Femenino Rosa Parks Jorge de Guzmán, Círculo Naval Cubano Paulino Fernández, Movimiento 30 de Noviembre “Frank País” Horacio S. García, Proyecto Pro Cambio Luis González Infante, Presidio Político Histórico Cubano “Casa del Preso” Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, Directorio Democrático Cubano Idania Yanes, Frente de Resistencia “Orlando Zapata Tamayo”
Directorio Democrático Cubano
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