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By Cuban Democratic Directorate

CUBAN DEMOCRATIC DIRECTORATE PRESS CONFERENCE SUMMARY SEPTEMBER 24, 2015 THE RESISTANCE INSIDE CUBA As it has become clear during the recent Papal visit, the broad civil resistance of the Cuban people towards the Castro dictatorship is active, despite being ignored by the Vatican and not included in the rapprochement between the Castro dictatorship and the Obama administration. It is to support the initiatives of the Resistance in Cuba that the Cuban Democratic Directorate discloses the following: OPEN LETTER TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES El Foro (the Forum) for Rights and Freedoms in Cuba, national platform of the opposition that brings together the main organizations of the Resistance, has released a public letter to the United States Congress insisting that no economic sanctions be lifted for Castro regime without them first making real steps towards respect for human rights and democracy in the country. The letter criticizes the efforts of both the Vatican and the Obama Administration for trying to achieve the unconditional lifting of the US embargo. CONFERENCE ON THE CONSEQUENCES OF INVESTING IN CUBA The Mayor of the City of Miami Tomas Regalado has convened a conference on the consequences of the investment in Cuba from a human rights point of view that will take place on October 23, 2015 at 1 pm at City Hall, with the participation of leaders of the Cuban Resistance, prominent exiled Chinese dissident Yang Jianli, and the Cuban trade union activist and member of Grupo Internacional de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (the International Group for Corporate Social Responsibility) Joel Brito. Renowned American political scientist Barbara Haig of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) will moderate the panel. RADIO REPUBLICA The Cuban Democratic Directorate announces that it has doubled the hours of transmission of its shortwave radio station that transmits Radio República to the people of Cuba the news censored by the Castro regime. Also, Radio República now has a presence on the Internet at the following address: www.radiorepublica.us or www.republicofcuba.news The Castro regime has repeatedly called for the closure of this station, which has become a powerful voice for the Resistance in Cub. XXV ANNIVERSARY OF THE DIRECTORATE: These initiatives are given within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Directorate. The "Summit of Generations" conference will be held from October 22nd to the 24th, with the participation of personalities such as Carl Gershman, president of NED, Barbara Haig, director of NED, the prominent Chinese dissident Yang Jianli, Cuban-American congressmen Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Mario Diaz-Balart, the mayor of Miami Tomas Regalado, and former Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart.

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Directorio Democrático Cubano Cuban Democratic Directorate


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