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By Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat

On April 3rd of this year, Granma published an article titled, “El daño que provoca la indisciplina laboral” (The damage caused by laborer indiscipline) which complains about low productivity of Cuban workers, low performance, unpunctuality, of anything and everything we can imagine…


It turns out that Cuban workers DO NOT COOPERATE with the economic goals of the regime.


In the same newspaper, in an interview with the Minister of Labor and Social Security, let’s repeat this, Minister of Labor and SOCIAL SECURITY, Mr. Alfredo Morales Cartaya, promises management corrections and sanctions to remedy the issue…


Sr. Alfredo Morales Cartaya: Why is it that Cuban workers do not cooperate?


Could it be that the money they are compensated with is worth absolutely nothing?


Could it be that everyday there are less economic opportunities in the country and there is no emerging hope on the horizon?


Could it be that a Cuban who works cannot feed his family, diversify, accumulate savings, or improve his life?


Could it be that with their earnings a Cuban cannot gain access neither to food nor to medical attention, nor to contacts, nor to trips, nor to the education of someone who belongs to the nomenclature, to the new class of wealthy, the rich oligarchy, to which you, Mr. Morales Cartaza belong?


Could it be that the little salary and the lack of opportunities of the workers pay for that special medical attention, and that special education, and that special food and that carefree life enjoyed by the Commander in Chief and the ministers of the Political Bureau and the Central Committee and the bosses of oppression and the armed forces, all of this in name of the socialist state and the workers?


Could it be that Cuban workers, Mr. Morales Cartaya, minister of SOCIAL SECURITY, know that in Cuba that simply DOES NOT EXIST. Because everyday that passes for our retired, for our seniors, becomes more difficult, more depressing, more unbearable… to the point that they must become SCUBA divers to be search throughout the city’s dumpsters in search of food scraps? All of this in the name of socialism? Could it be that after a long life of labor our workers know that what awaits them is more misery, more hunger, and more hardships?


Could it be that Cuban workers know that 47 years of economic stagnation are unforgivable for any government… but in addition it does not allow any type of peaceful political change?


Could it be that Cuban workers have no true labor unions to represent them and have no way of channeling their grievances within the system set up by the government?


 Mr. Morales Cartaya… could it be that Cuban workers do no cooperate because they have gone from being at the head of economic and syndicate activity for Latin America to becoming bearers of a perpetual sub development thanks to the management of the inept Fidel Castro? Could it be that Cuban workers have found out the workers in Taiwán, South Korea, and Chile, who were far behind us, now enjoy liberty, progress, and the material amplitude which Cubans lack?


I don’t know. Perhaps this has something to do with the reasons why Cuban workers do not cooperate.


Now, what I do know Mr. Morales Cartaya, what I can affirm outright is that the Cuban heroes who died on both sides in combat over the boiling sands of Playa Girón HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT THE CUBAN LABORERS SUFFER TODAY…


Those who died in olive green dreamed with a more egalitarian society, independent from the United Status, a society without poor, of free men and women in which all cooperated for the common good…


Those who died wearing camouflage also dreamed with social justice, also wanted more opportunities for the poor, but they understood that by turning over our liberties to a tyrant, we would lose it all and the country would deteriorate…


Look at how our poor country is now… look at the conditions of the poor in our country… all of this in the name of socialism…


Look at the conditions of our workers in the alleged country of workers…


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About the author

Orlando Gutierrez Boronat Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat
Orlando Gutiérrez-Boronat nació en La Habana en 1965. Tiene un doctorado en estudios internacionales en la Universidad de Miami. Tiene licenciaturas en comunicaciones y ciencias políticas y una maestría en ciencias políticas. Imparte cursos de ciencias políticas en la Universidad Internacional de la Florida y la Universidad Barry. Es cofundador y Secretario Nacional del Directorio Democrático Cubano, una de las organizaciones más destacadas en el trabajo de recabar apoyo internacional y solidaridad para el movimiento democrático en la Isla. Es co-autor de los informes Pasos a la Libertad que publica el Directorio anualmente sobre el crecimiento del movimiento cívico en Cuba. También es autor del libro La República Invisible, una colección de ensayos sobre la identidad nacional cubana, la política del exilio y el movimiento cívico en Cuba.


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