» From Cuba

Radio Republica is heard in Cuba
By Karell Infante Mantilla


HOLGUIN, Cuba - According to Karell Infante Mantilla of the Youth without Censorship Press Agency, many people are listening to Radio Republica, Directorio’s radio programming, in Cuba.


She tells of one person, Pablo Zulné, nicknamed "Pablito the collector", who listens to Radio Republica regularly. "I have a radio with AM, FM and nine bands of short wave. I listen to it all the time where ever I go,” he mentions, “they say you can hear Radio Republica on an AM station on Saturdays at 11pm. I like the Ave María by Schubert. They play it in the background. ¡Cuban, do not cooperate with the dictatorship! Do not snitch!”


Pablito tells the reporter that although the Cuban regime tried to intercept the station with high voltage, it only improved his reception.



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